"The Bucket List"
"It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life.Some people would tell you it's measured by the one's left behind.Some believe, that it can be measured in faith.Some say by love.Other folks say, life has no meaning at all.Me...I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you."
"The stars, it's really one of God's greatness.Seems like they're just out of reach and so bright. They're like little holes in the floor of heaven."
"You know ancient Egyptians had a beautiful believe about that.When their souls got to the entrance of heaven, the God asks them 2 questions:1)Have you found joy in your life? 2)Has your life brought joy to others?Their answers determent, whether they were admitted or not."
"You once said you're not everyone.Well, that's true, you're certainly not everyone.But everyone are everyone."
"The simplest thing is I loved him and I miss him.I hope it doesn't sound selfish of me.But the last months of his life were the best months of mine.He saved my life and he knew it before I did. I'm deeply proud that this man found it worth is while to know me.In the end I think it's safe to say that we brought some joy to one another's life's."